
The name for farms Goreis No. 122 and Goreis Sud No 116 has already been discussed in th a * 452-3 and different statements are mentioned. Mr Leopenh's contribution is included here because it supports one of the given explanations, and because it is important by knowing the environment and the farms. Moreover at Goreis there. Mr FK Krenz 1979 farmer, and wrote about it: 'On Goreis-Süd, no aloe trees (Gore) are not.

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Georeference Sources
S 2015 BB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Leopenth D 1977 Main Board Member Conversation 'Goreis, Kore Ais, 'Place with Aloes'.'
afr luiperth D 1977 Hoofraadslid Gesprek 'Goreis, Kore-ais, ‘Plek met aalwyne’.'
eng The name for farms Goreis No. 122 and Goreis Sud No 116 has already been discussed in th a * 452-3 and different statements are mentioned. Mr Leopenh's contribution is included here because it supports one of the given explanations, and because it is important by knowing the environment and the farms. Moreover at Goreis there. Mr FK Krenz 1979 farmer, and wrote about it: 'On Goreis-Süd, no aloe trees (Gore) are not.
afr Die naam vir plase Goreis nr 122 en Goreis-Sud nr 116 is reeds bespreek in TH A* 452-3 en verskillende verklarings is genoem. Mnr luiperth se bydrae word hier opgeneem omdat dit een van die gegewe verklarings steun, en omdat dit belangrik is deurdat hy die omgewing en die plase ken. Verder by GOREIS aldaar. Mnr FK Krenz 1979 Boer het bostaande geleës en skryf daarby: 'Op Goreis-Süd staan geen aalwynbome (gore) nie.Gora-eis = ein Witbas-ahnlicher Baum, haufig in der Nahe von Wasser stehiend, eigentlich gorada (Damaqua)'.
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