
The PNC has changed the spelling of the farm name for the post office from Cham to Gamkubis, according to the O.I. Incorrect derivation of Dr. Vedder, but outgoing of the old spelling gives Mr Krenz another, our opinion the right meaning, viz. of 'Leeevlei', i.p.v. The literal 'Watervlei', in itself, a unusual combination because the compositum does not oppose meaningfully. Or viewed linguistically, cf. The spelling 'Cham' for 'lion' in many other place names, eg. Chamob, Chamdaos and others. Besides Ikubis, there is also heardǃ Kuwis, the shape that kr.-r. 1969 NW 258 recorded. Chamkubis is farm No. 36. Thus 'Leeevlei' or 'Lion Pan'.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 1915 DC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng PNK 1947 'Chamkubis'. Post Office on the same name in Dist. Outjo. 'Nama: ǀǀ Gamǃ Cubic,' wasserfiitze, water pool. H. Vedder '. Krenz 1970 Mitt 11/5 Aug. 1970 7 'Gamkubis :? Chamkubis = Xam, 'Lowe'; ǃ Cubis, 'Vley', = Lowen-Vley '.
afr PNK 1947 'Chamkubis'. Poskantoor op plaas van dieselfde naam in dist. Outjo. 'Nama: ǀǀGam-ǃkubis, ‘Wasserpfiitze, Waterpoel’. H. Vedder'. Krenz 1970 Mitt 11/5 Aug. 1970 7 'Gamkubis: ? Chamkubis = xam, ‘lowe’; ǃkubis, ‘Vley’, = lowen-Vley'.
eng Leeuvlei of Leeupan
afr Leeuvlei of Leeupan
eng The PNC has changed the spelling of the farm name for the post office from Cham to Gamkubis, according to the O.I. Incorrect derivation of Dr. Vedder, but outgoing of the old spelling gives Mr Krenz another, our opinion the right meaning, viz. of 'Leeevlei', i.p.v. The literal 'Watervlei', in itself, a unusual combination because the compositum does not oppose meaningfully. Or viewed linguistically, cf. The spelling 'Cham' for 'lion' in many other place names, eg. Chamob, Chamdaos and others. Besides Ikubis, there is also heardǃ Kuwis, the shape that kr.-r. 1969 NW 258 recorded. Chamkubis is farm No. 36. Thus 'Leeevlei' or 'Lion Pan'.
afr Die PNK het die spelling van die plaasnaam vir die poskantoor verander van Cham- tot Gamkubis, volgens die o.i. verkeerde afleiding van dr Vedder, maar uitgaande van die ou spelling gee mnr Krenz 'n ander, onses insiens die juiste betekenis, nl. van 'leeuvlei', i.p.v. die letterlike 'Watervlei', op sigself’n ongewone samevoeging omdat die kompositum nie sinvol opponeer nie. Of taalkundig beskou, vgl. die spelling 'Cham-' vir 'leeu' in baie ander plekname, bv. CHAMOB, CHAMDAOS en ander. Naas Ikubis word daar ook gehoor ǃkuwis, die vorm wat Kr.-R. 1969 NW 258 opgeneem het. Chamkubis is plaas nr 36. Dus 'leeuvlei' of 'leeupan'.
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