
Palmwag No 702 is the north-western measured farm in Damaraland; It is south of Sesfontein, and at the upper of the Uniab River (also spelled unjab). The Lunia- is Khoekhens for palm tree. 'Palmwag' is divisely translated from the Khoekhozen name, with the member '-wag' here in the meaning of 'where it (the palm trees) stop, wait,' at Namaǃ Gao = cut off, 'Aufhoren' (Cr. -R. 1969 NW 91).

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 1913 DD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van Palmwag
eng Zaby A 1979 Rector Namibiana 1 (1) 52 'Palmwag Nr 702. [by retirement among the Dama known as]ǃ Gao-ǃ UniAb, 'Where the palm trees have,ǃ Gao'.
afr Zaby A 1979 Rektor Namibiana 1(1) 52 'Palmwag nr 702. [Von altersher unter den Dama bekannt als] ǃGao-ǃuniab, ‘Dort wo die Palmen aufho- ren, ǃgao’.
eng Palmwag No 702 is the north-western measured farm in Damaraland; It is south of Sesfontein, and at the upper of the Uniab River (also spelled unjab). The Lunia- is Khoekhens for palm tree. 'Palmwag' is divisely translated from the Khoekhozen name, with the member '-wag' here in the meaning of 'where it (the palm trees) stop, wait,' at Namaǃ Gao = cut off, 'Aufhoren' (Cr. -R. 1969 NW 91).
afr Palmwag nr 702 is die noordwestelikste uitgemete plaas in Damaraland; dit le suidelik van Sesfontein, en aan die boloop van die Uniabrivier (ook gespel Unjab). Die lunia- is Khoekhoens vir palmboom. 'Palmwag' is dui- delik vertaal uit die Khoekhoense naam, met die lid '-wag' hier in die betekenis van 'waar dit (die palmbome) ophou, wag', by Nama ǃgao = afsny, 'aufhoren' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 91).
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