
The Khoekhoense name was the main name about 1900, the Herero name was the alternative name, but it eventually pushed the opponent. On the map DSWA series 1912 just occurs. 11Ghobib laid to the 'Alte Wagen Road', southwest of Grootfon. No other indication is not except the soundboy, with the correct suction consonant there, and accordingly, Mr Krenz believes it may mean 'cemetery', such as Nama 11kho = buried (Kr.. 1969 NW 243). Another possibility is 'BUILDING', NAMA ǀǀ GO-B (Kr.-R. 121). According to prof. O The former was a small leacher.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 1917 DB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Hartmann 1904 card '11Ghobib. (Otjihaenene) ',' wells '. Sprigade Moisei 1904 Kriegsk the same, just without the suction consonant. Krenz FK 1977 Farmer Conversation '11Gho = Begraben, -Bib ist ortschaft'.
afr Hartmann 1904 kaart '11Ghobib. (Otjihaenene)', 'Putse'. Sprigade Moisei 1904 Kriegsk dieselfde, net sonder die suigkonsonant. Krenz FK 1977 Boer Gesprek '11Gho = begraben, -bib ist Ortschaft'.
eng The Khoekhoense name was the main name about 1900, the Herero name was the alternative name, but it eventually pushed the opponent. On the map DSWA series 1912 just occurs. 11Ghobib laid to the 'Alte Wagen Road', southwest of Grootfon. No other indication is not except the soundboy, with the correct suction consonant there, and accordingly, Mr Krenz believes it may mean 'cemetery', such as Nama 11kho = buried (Kr.. 1969 NW 243). Another possibility is 'BUILDING', NAMA ǀǀ GO-B (Kr.-R. 121). According to prof. O The former was a small leacher.
afr Die Khoekhoense naam was die hoofnaam omstreeks 1900, die Herero- naam was die alternatiewe naam, maar dit het uiteindelik die teenstander verdring. Op die kaart DSWA-reeks 1912 kom nog net die Hereronaam voor. 11Ghobib het gelê aan die 'alte Wagen Pad', suidwes van Grootfon- tein. Geen ander aanduiding is daar nie behalwe die klankbousel, met die korrekte suigkonsonant daarby, en daarvolgens meen mnr Krenz dat dit moontlik 'Begraafplek' kan beteken, soos Nama 11kho = begrawe (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 243). 'n Ander moontlikheid is 'Bulplek', Nama ǀǀgo-b (Kr.-R. 121). Volgens prof. O. Kohler beteken die Hereronaam die 'Platz, der nicht gefirllt wird', 'n verklaring wat ons nie met die Khoekhoense naam help nie. Hartmann en die Kriegskarte plaas die plek op 1918 CA, die moderne kaarte op 1917 DB, sodat daar by die eersgenoemdes 'n klein miswysing was.
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