
In th a * 470-1, a statement by Mr FK Krenz was given exactly that the name means the 'gap where the (stolen) sheep were held', d.w.s. It was declared as Gu- + ╪ Ga-F -B. The brown people see it differently. The -Cha - eg. Not like Nama -Xa- = much, abundant to (something). According to them, the ground is the Nama word for 'forehead'. Forehead is in Namaǃ U-S, in Korana it is recorded with rimmed input asǃ Kx'u-b, viz. By Meinhof 1930, while Engelbrecht recorded 1928ǃ U-XA-MS. These -ms appear in other dialects than -B / -s, D.W.S. ǃ U-XA-MS is equal toǃ UXA-B, Verarized as Iguxab (cf. hott 509-510). Linguistically, Mr Xaregeb and his team are also too defended. Interestingly that formǃ (G) ucha-b. Still kept in Korana of about 1930, lost in Nama, but still preserved in an old place name. The name Guchab is still preserved today for the station east of Otavi, but then defaces as Uchab, whereby. The 'man with the big forehead' relies on a parable with the rock point there. Otherwise, as with Mr Krenz.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 1917 DB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng XAREG E 1977 and six other Khoekhoen of Grootfontein conversation 'The right way to say is Igugab. It believes the man with the big front. It does not mean many foreheads, or many sheep '
afr Xaregeb E 1977 en ses ander Khoekhoen van Grootfontein Gesprek 'Die regte manier om te se is IGugab. Dit meen die man met die groot voor- kop. Dit beteken nie baie voorkoppe nie, of baie skaap nie'
eng In th a * 470-1, a statement by Mr FK Krenz was given exactly that the name means the 'gap where the (stolen) sheep were held', d.w.s. It was declared as Gu- + ╪ Ga-F -B. The brown people see it differently. The -Cha - eg. Not like Nama -Xa- = much, abundant to (something). According to them, the ground is the Nama word for 'forehead'. Forehead is in Namaǃ U-S, in Korana it is recorded with rimmed input asǃ Kx'u-b, viz. By Meinhof 1930, while Engelbrecht recorded 1928ǃ U-XA-MS. These -ms appear in other dialects than -B / -s, D.W.S. ǃ U-XA-MS is equal toǃ UXA-B, Verarized as Iguxab (cf. hott 509-510). Linguistically, Mr Xaregeb and his team are also too defended. Interestingly that formǃ (G) ucha-b. Still kept in Korana of about 1930, lost in Nama, but still preserved in an old place name. The name Guchab is still preserved today for the station east of Otavi, but then defaces as Uchab, whereby. The 'man with the big forehead' relies on a parable with the rock point there. Otherwise, as with Mr Krenz.
afr In TH A* 470-1 is ’n verklaring van mnr FK Krenz gegee wat presies se dat die naam beteken die 'Kloof waar die (gesteelde) skape gehou is', d.w.s. dit is verklaar as gu-+ ╪ ga-F -b. Die Bruinmense sien dit anders. Die -cha- is bv. nie soos Nama -xa- = baie, volop aan (iets) nie. Die grondwoord is volgens hulle die Namawoord vir 'voorkop'. Voorkop is in Nama ǃu-s, in Korana is dit opgeteken met velere inset as ǃkx’u-b, nl. deur Meinhof 1930, terwyl Engelbrecht 1928 opgeteken het ǃu-xa-ms. Hierdie -ms verskyn in ander dialekte as -b/-s, d.w.s. ǃu-xa-ms is gelyk aan ǃuxa-b, gevelariseer as Iguxab (vgl. HOTT 509-510). Taalkundig is mnr Xaregeb en sy span tog ook te verdedig. Interessant dat die vorm ǃ(g)ucha-b. nog in Korana van ongeveer 1930 bewaar, in Nama verlore geraak het maar in ’n ou pleknaam nog ongeskonde bewaar is. Die naam Guchab is vandag nog behoue vir die stasie oos van Otavi, maar dan gedevelariseer as UCHAB, alwaar. Die 'Man met die groot voorkop' berus wel op ’n gelykenis met die rotspunt daar. Andersins soos by mnr Krenz.

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