
The farm No 181 in the Outjo district, northern of the town. Striking that the suction pads are completely different. Dr. Hartmann is a good observer and gives again what has applied to his time. In addition, Mr Krenz FK 1978 suggests: 'ǀ URO = Etwas bitter', grazing with respect to the water. Under the Khoekhoen today, the sucker is apparently the palatal, with connection at = Foro = 'Schmal' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 333). The palatal slap can, of course, be 'people niatricological', but whatever, there is an element that needs to be cleared.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 1916 CA/CB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng HARTMANN 1904 MAP 'ǀ UROB', SOURCE, and LATER CARDS 'UROB'. lueoperth d 1977 main councilor conversation 'urob is ╪urob or ╪orob. It's narrow place. ' Haacke Whg 1979 Education Planner Own list '╪urob, a farm in the Aurib-ward (Franz = BGAEB, a Damara at Franzfontein)'.
afr Hartmann 1904 kaart 'ǀUrob', bron, en op latere kaarte 'Urob'. luiperth D 1977 Hoofraadslid Gesprek 'Urob is ╪Urob of ╪Orob. Dit is ‘Smal plek’.' Haacke WHG 1979 Onderwysbeplanner Eie lys '╪Urob, 'n plaas in die Aurib-wyk (Franz =bGaeseb,’n Damara by Franzfontein)'.
eng The farm No 181 in the Outjo district, northern of the town. Striking that the suction pads are completely different. Dr. Hartmann is a good observer and gives again what has applied to his time. In addition, Mr Krenz FK 1978 suggests: 'ǀ URO = Etwas bitter', grazing with respect to the water. Under the Khoekhoen today, the sucker is apparently the palatal, with connection at = Foro = 'Schmal' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 333). The palatal slap can, of course, be 'people niatricological', but whatever, there is an element that needs to be cleared.
afr Die plaas nr 181 le in die distrik Outjo, noordelik van die dorp. Opvallend dat die suigklappe heeltemal verskil. Dr Hartmann is ’n goeie waarnemer en gee weer wat in sy tyd gegeld het. Daarby aansluitend stel mnr Krenz FK 1978 Aantekening voor: 'ǀuro = etwas bitter', wei met betrekking tot die water. Onder die Khoekhoen van vandag is die suigklap klaarblyklik die palatale, met aansluiting by =Foro = 'schmal' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 333). Die palatale klap kan natuurlik 'volksetimologies' wees, maar hoe ook al, daar is 'n element wat nog opgeklaar moet word.
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