
This applies here the farm Chaudamas No. 33, between Otjikondo, Namatanga and Nubes. We assume that earlier mountain damaras lived and that the farm got its name from them. MAIN COUNCIL D Leopernh explains the origin of the group name, viz. That they did not make their comfort away enough of the huts, Xau- = eject, miss. The statement of the stem name is old and well known; This corresponds exactly to what Leopenh said.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 1915 DA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Hartmann 1904 card 'Chaudamas'. Puts, farm, battlefield, and on other maps like here. Leopard D and S 1977 Main Board member and Constable Resp. Conversation 'This is a curse name, Chaudaman. They curse for the Damaras. It is the dama breed that makes that dirty close to the house, does not go to the bushes. It's also female. The right name is then Tnukhoetaras, it is Dair woman [literally: 'Black-Human Wife'.] When the people were still in ignorance, before the civilization, they made the name '.
afr Hartmann 1904 kaart 'Chaudamas'. puts, plaas, slagveld, en op ander kaarte soos hier. luiperth D en S 1977 Hoofraadslid en Konstabel resp. Gesprek 'Dit is ’n vloeknaam, Chaudaman. Hulle vloek vir die Damaras. Dit is die Dama- ras wat daardie vuilis naby die huis maak, nie na die bossies toe gaan nie. Dis ook vroulik. Die regte naam is dan TNukhoetaras, dit is Da- maravrou [letterlik: 'Swart-mens-vrou'.] Toe die mense nog in onkunde was, voor die beskawing opgeduik het, het hulle die naam gemaak'.
eng This applies here the farm Chaudamas No. 33, between Otjikondo, Namatanga and Nubes. We assume that earlier mountain damaras lived and that the farm got its name from them. MAIN COUNCIL D Leopernh explains the origin of the group name, viz. That they did not make their comfort away enough of the huts, Xau- = eject, miss. The statement of the stem name is old and well known; This corresponds exactly to what Leopenh said.
afr Dit geld hier die plaas Chaudamas nr 33, tussen Otjikondo, Namatanga en Nubes. Ons neem aan dat daar vroeër Bergdamaras gewoon het en dat die plaas sy naam van hulle gekry het. Hoofraadslid D luiperth verduidelik die oorsprong van die groepnaam, nl. dat hulle hulle gemak nie ver genoeg van die hutte af gedoen het nie, xau- = uitwerpsel, mis. Die verklaring van die stamnaam is oud en welbekend; dit stem presies ooreen met wat luiperth gesê het.
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