
Daverob is placed No. 221, north-east of Fransfontein or northwestern of Outjo, in the Outjo district. Look for it th a * 309.ǃ Khuruǃ Khaib (Modern Spell) is the alternative name of Daverob. Ikhuru-) is then the alternative name of Daverob. Ikhuru- = 516 'Braaching of Animals', so also at Krenz FK 1979 Boer Note whose words we did not cite here now, andǃ Khae- = 'ort' or place (Rest 1960 DNW 45, Rhine Spellǃ Kei-), The Whole 'Brak-F place'. The current and alternative names for this farm No 221 means the same, except that Daverob, the current name, expresses the concept as a reduction, viz. As 'brackish'. What we still captivate particularly, Is the fact that along farm No 221 a farm No 220 lies with the name of 'lime', and that 'lime spot' in Nama will be called Ikhorolkehae (b). This is a suitable topographical description; Dr Hartmann 1904 Sign for this place: 'Mit Limestein-Bults Abwechselnd Mit Erdboden' characterized. The vocal -o- and -u- can alternate each other, and then the two names for the two lower farms are so close together that one is wondering whether there is a connection between their existence between the two names Ikhurulkhaeb and Ikhoro- IKHAEB. The 'brack' can e.g. Save to the taste of the water because of its touch with the lime floor, so that the name 'lime spot' is primer, and the name 'brackish' can be secondary, and that there is therefore a measure of interchangeability imaginable also in The naming comes out by the terms for 'brackish' and 'lime' in Nama close to each other Their sound boards.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 1915 DA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
alternatiewe naam van Daverob, of ou naam van Kalk?)
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng lueoperth d 1977 main councilor conversation 'daverob =' brackish '. We also sayǃ Khuruǃ Kaib. ǃ Khuruǃ Kaib is just the same word that translates the name just '.
afr luiperth D 1977 Hoofraadslid Gesprek 'Daverob = ‘Brakplekkie’. Ons se ook ǃKhuruǃkaib. ǃKhuruǃkaib is maar dieselfde woord wat die naam net reg vertaal'.
eng Daverob is placed No. 221, north-east of Fransfontein or northwestern of Outjo, in the Outjo district. Look for it th a * 309.ǃ Khuruǃ Khaib (Modern Spell) is the alternative name of Daverob. Ikhuru-) is then the alternative name of Daverob. Ikhuru- =
'Braaching of Animals', so also at Krenz FK 1979 Boer Note whose words we did not cite here now, andǃ Khae- = 'ort' or place (Rest 1960 DNW 45, Rhine Spellǃ Kei-), The Whole 'Brak-F place'. The current and alternative names for this farm No 221 means the same, except that Daverob, the current name, expresses the concept as a reduction, viz. As 'brackish'. What we still captivate particularly, Is the fact that along farm No 221 a farm No 220 lies with the name of 'lime', and that 'lime spot' in Nama will be called Ikhorolkehae (b). This is a suitable topographical description; Dr Hartmann 1904 Sign for this place: 'Mit Limestein-Bults Abwechselnd Mit Erdboden' characterized. The vocal -o- and -u- can alternate each other, and then the two names for the two lower farms are so close together that one is wondering whether there is a connection between their existence between the two names Ikhurulkhaeb and Ikhoro- IKHAEB. The 'brack' can e.g. Save to the taste of the water because of its touch with the lime floor, so that the name 'lime spot' is primer, and the name 'brackish' can be secondary, and that there is therefore a measure of interchangeability imaginable also in The naming comes out by the terms for 'brackish' and 'lime' in Nama close to each other Their sound boards.
afr Daverob is plaas nr 221, noordoos van Fransfontein of noordwestelik van Outjo, in die distrik Outjo. Kyk daarvoor TH A* 309. ǃKhuruǃkhaib (moderne spelling) is dan die alternatiewe naam van Daverob. IKhuru- ) is dan die alternatiewe naam van Daverob. IKhuru- =516'brakplek van diere', so ook by Krenz FK 1979 Boer Aantekening wie se woorde ons hier nie nou aangehaal het nie, en ǃkhae- = 'Ort' of plek (Rust 1960 DNW 45, Rynse spelling ǃkei-), die geheel 'Brak-f plek'. Die huidige en die alternatiewe name vir hierdie plaas nr 221 beteken dieselfde, behalwe dat Daverob, die huidige naam, die begrip as verklein- woord uitdruk, nl. as 'Brakplekkie'. Wat ons nogtans besonder boei, is die feit dat langs plaas nr 221 ’n plaas nr 220 le met die naam van 'Kalk', en dat 'Kalkplek' in Nama sal heet IKhorolkhae(b). Dit is 'n paslike topografiese beskrywing; dr Hartmann 1904 teken vir hierdie plek aan: 'Mit Kalkstein-Bulten abwechselnd mit Erdboden' gekenmerk. Die vokale -o- en -u- kan mekaar afwissel, en dan is die twee name vir die twee aangren- sende plase darem so na aanmekaar dat mens wonder of daar ’n verband tussen hulle bestaan, tussen die twee name IKhurulkhaeb en IKhoro- Ikhaeb. Die 'brak' kan bv. slaan op die smaak van die water as gevolg van sy aanraking met die kalkbodem, sodat die naam 'Kalkplek' dan primer is, en die naam 'Brakplek' sekondêr kan wees, en dat daar daarom ’n mate van verwisselbaarheid denkbaar is wat ook in die benoem- ing uitkom deurdat die terme vir 'brak' en 'kalk' in Nama naby mekaar le t.o.v. hulle klankbousels.
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