
The above is T.O.V. Regarding Mr Alberts, in addition to what has already been said in th a ** 619-620, and t.o.v. What Mr Luiperth told, to open the question about the meaning. Lg. Consider the name as khoe- khoen, ingredients kama (in Kr.-R. 1969 NW 68: GAMA) = 'Krummy (signal)', and ╪hab = 'The Elle (der Unterarmknochen ...)' (Kr.- R. 172), 'Kromelbow', and then probably meant to something like a run. One question is whether others have ever heard a suction flaster before the second component, another question is whether the Kromelbow declaration is not complainted by Khoekhoian side. Meanwhile, we believe, the demand for the name's meaning is open again. Mr Leoperneth does not believe it means a 'clipple', and now he has thrown a stone into the forest ('and there he will stay, without something on you,' adds Mr Krenz FK 1979 into his side drawing. 'Mr Alberts has my support. Kamanjab is a verbalhorne word for 'stone', as I have gestured. Kamanjab [pronunciation] begins with everyone with a 'k' and not with a 'g'. From which 'curvature' does Daniel Leopenh speak? '

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S 1914 DB
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12.5 km radius
eng Alberts PFH 1977 Farmer Conversation 'Kamanjab means that rock, that granite rock. Kamanja is stone' luiperth d 1977 main councilor conversation 'Kamanjab is Kama + Hab, it records' crooked elbow '
afr Alberts PFH 1977 Boer Gesprek 'Kamanjab beteken daardie rots, daardie granietklip. Kamanja is klip'luiperth D 1977 Hoofraadslid Gesprek 'Kamanjab is Kama + hab, dit be- teken ‘krom elmboog’
eng The above is T.O.V. Regarding Mr Alberts, in addition to what has already been said in th a ** 619-620, and t.o.v. What Mr Luiperth told, to open the question about the meaning. Lg. Consider the name as khoe- khoen, ingredients kama (in Kr.-R. 1969 NW 68: GAMA) = 'Krummy (signal)', and ╪hab = 'The Elle (der Unterarmknochen ...)' (Kr.- R. 172), 'Kromelbow', and then probably meant to something like a run. One question is whether others have ever heard a suction flaster before the second component, another question is whether the Kromelbow declaration is not complainted by Khoekhoian side. Meanwhile, we believe, the demand for the name's meaning is open again. Mr Leoperneth does not believe it means a 'clipple', and now he has thrown a stone into the forest ('and there he will stay, without something on you,' adds Mr Krenz FK 1979 into his side drawing. 'Mr Alberts has my support. Kamanjab is a verbalhorne word for 'stone', as I have gestured. Kamanjab [pronunciation] begins with everyone with a 'k' and not with a 'g'. From which 'curvature' does Daniel Leopenh speak? '
afr Bostaande is t.o.v. wat mnr Alberts meedeel, ter aanvulling by wat reeds gesê is in TH A** 619-620, en t.o.v. wat mnr luiperth meedeel, ter oop- stelling van die vraag oor die betekenis. lg. beskou die naam as Khoe- khoens, bestanddele kama (in Kr.-R. 1969 NW 68: gama) = 'krumm (sein)', en ╪hab = 'die Elle (der Unterarmknochen...)' (Kr.-R. 172), 'Kromelmboog', en dan waarskynlik beeldend bedoel t.o.v. iets soos ’n lopie. Een vraag is of ook ander ’n suigklap voor die tweede komponent ooit gehoor het, ’n ander vraag is of die verklaring van Kromelmboog nie van Khoekhoense kant volksetimologies gedui is nie. Intussen, so meen ons, is die vraag na die naam se betekenis weer oop. Mnr luiperth glo nie dit beteken ’n 'Klipplek' nie, en nou het hy ’n klip in die bos gegooi ('en daar sal hy bly, sonder om iets op te ja', voeg mnr Krenz FK 1979 in sy Kanttekening by. 'Mnr Alberts het my ondersteuning. Kamanjab is ’n ver- balhornde woord vir ‘klip’, soos ek al beduie het. Kamanjab [se uitspraak] begin by almal met 'n ‘K’ en nie met 'n ‘G’ nie. Van watter ‘Krom- elenboog’ praat Daniel luiperth?'
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