
The place that lies southeast of Sesfontein, in the area of ​​the National Etoshawildtuin, we do not return to Dr Hartmann or on earlier cards. The site is, according to the hypothometric tints on the map of the SWA series, very broken and certainly rocky. The meaning is then ǀ Khora = 'Rauh' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 241), as at Khorab. ǀ Kho- RAXA = rough, scyby, or very, very rough / scabby, with member -Ams = mouth, water opening, Seifs source, the 'water source (-am-s) where the bottom cause rough -) is ', in short,' scabies (stone) fountain 'or' Klipfontein '.

About this item

Alternative Title
Khorachaams, Khoraxaams
Georeference Sources
S 1913 DB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Survey S.J. 'Khoraxa-ams', water location, Kaokoveld. SWA Series 1969 Skin 1912 Sesfontein 'Khoraxa-AMS', a water source.
afr Opmeting s.j. 'Khoraxa-ams', waterplek, Kaokoveld. SWA-reeks 1969 vel 1912 Sesfontein 'Khoraxa-ams', 'n waterbron.
eng The place that lies southeast of Sesfontein, in the area of ​​the National Etoshawildtuin, we do not return to Dr Hartmann or on earlier cards. The site is, according to the hypothometric tints on the map of the SWA series, very broken and certainly rocky. The meaning is then ǀ Khora = 'Rauh' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 241), as at Khorab. ǀ Kho- RAXA = rough, scyby, or very, very rough / scabby, with member -Ams = mouth, water opening, Seifs source, the 'water source (-am-s) where the bottom cause rough -) is ', in short,' scabies (stone) fountain 'or' Klipfontein '.
afr Die plek wat suidoostelik van Sesfontein le, in die gebied van die Nasio- nale Etoshawildtuin, vind ons nie by dr Hartmann of op vroeëre kaarte terug nie. Die terrein is volgens die hipsometriese tinte op die kaart van die SWA-reeks baie gebroke en seker klipagtig. Die betekenis is dan wel ǀkhora = 'rauh' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 241), soos by KHORAB alwaar. ǀKho- raxa = rowwerig, skurwerig, of baie, erg rof/skurf, met die lid -ams =mond, wateropening, seifs bron, die 'Waterbron (-am-s) waar die bodem- gesteldheid ru, skurf (ǀkhoraxa-) is', kortweg dan 'Skurwe(klip)fontein' of 'Klipfontein'.
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