Uchab (Op Guchab)

The post office and railway station have long existed and carried the name of the farm, Guchab No. 596, Dist. Grootfontein; This is between Grootfontein and Otavi on S 1917. See Guchab, also so spelled by eg. Dr. Hartmann 1904. What makes the distraction of Krenz, viz. 'Sheep Kloof'. However, Dr Vedder serves the PNC of advice that amounts to a distraction that motivates HV topographically and linguistically with Namaǃ U- = forehead, -xa- (spelled -cha) = rich in, welversee of, d.w.s. the 'front-end place'. Now we have the phenomenon that the official places on Guchab from 1947 off Uchab, and the farm name list in the SWA farmer of 1973 for the farm Guchab-West No. 596 now two entries ǃǃ Dr Vedder's imagination played Horn here, and now the confusion becomes bigger.

About this item

Uchab (Op Guchab)
Alternative Title
Uchab (Op Guchab)
Georeference Sources
S 1917
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng PNK 1947 'Guchab', Plaas, Daaroop Poskantoor EN engine bus stops. 'Nama: Luchab = spireless place to think about the steep rocks standing like louder standing. H. Vedder'. Krenz FK 1974 Boer Aantekening 'As far as I know , the railway station and post office would have been Fruher Guchab, but would be renamed later in Uchab. An old Hei-Khom from that area called the place GU ╪ gut, GU = sheep, ╪gart = gorge. The gorge is located near the train station .. '
afr PNK 1947 'Guchab', plaas, daarop poskantoor en motorbushalte. 'Nama: lUchab = Stirnreicher Ort, wobei an die steilen Felsen zu denken ist, die wie lauter Stirnen dastehen. H. Vedder'. Krenz FK 1974 Boer Aantekening 'Soweit ich weiss, hiess die Bahnstation und Poststelle fruher Guchab, würde aber spater in Uchab umbenannt. Ein alter Hei-Khom aus jener Gegend nannte den Platz Gu- ╪gab, gu = Schafe, ╪gab = Schlucht. Die Schlucht befindet sich nahe der Bahnstation ...'
eng The post office and railway station have long existed and carried the name of the farm, Guchab No. 596, Dist. Grootfontein; This is between Grootfontein and Otavi on S 1917. See Guchab, also so spelled by eg. Dr. Hartmann 1904. What makes the distraction of Krenz, viz. 'Sheep Kloof'. However, Dr Vedder serves the PNC of advice that amounts to a distraction that motivates HV topographically and linguistically with Namaǃ U- = forehead, -xa- (spelled -cha) = rich in, welversee of, d.w.s. the 'front-end place'. Now we have the phenomenon that the official places on Guchab from 1947 off Uchab, and the farm name list in the SWA farmer of 1973 for the farm Guchab-West No. 596 now two entries ǃǃ Dr Vedder's imagination played Horn here, and now the confusion becomes bigger.
afr Die poskantoor en spoorwegstasie het lank bestaan en het die naam van die plaas gedra, Guchab nr 596, dist. Grootfontein; dit le tussen Grootfontein en Otavi op S 1917. Kyk GUCHAB, ook so gespel deur bv. dr Hartmann 1904. wat die afleiding van Krenz seker maak, nl. 'Skaapkloof'. Dr Vedder bedien die PNK egter van raad wat op 'n afleiding neerkom wat hv topografies motiveer en taalkundig versoen met Nama ǃu- = voorkop, -xa- (gespel -cha-) = ryk aan, welvoorsien van, d.w.s. die 'Voorhoofryke Plek'. Nou het ons die verskynsel dat die amptelike plekke op Guchab van 1947 af Uchab heet, en die plaasnaamlys in die SWA-Boer van 1973 het vir die plaas Guchab-Wes nr 596 nou twee inskrywingsǃǃ Dr Vedder se verbeelding het horn hier parte gespeel, en nou word die verwarring groter.
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