
It is about Cauas No 118 and the adjacent Nord-Cauas No. 119. Based on Dr. Vedder's appointment, the PNC decided to change the established farm name as a name for the railway bus stop on the farm to Ouas (APN 1951 258 and railway table) . Mr FK Krenz's statement serves o.I. the preference; For the statement of Krenz HH, a change of C- (D.I. in sound value is accepted a K-) and G (as in its form), a change that is just lived.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 1915/2015
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng PNK 1947 'Cauas'. Name of farm and motorbus stop on it, 66 km from otjostasie. 'Nama: ǀ Ouǃ As = Fountain farm. H. Vedder '. PNK-SWA S.J. [1955] Per Pastor HK Dihl Snr 'Cauas :ǃ Krenz FK 1970 Mitt 11/4 3 'Von Goreis Komt Man Nach cauas. Der ownliche names is Okaua-Tjiwaurarua, D.H. 'The sets, An der Sich Gut Ruhen Lasst'. Den Nama Und Dama War Das Zu Leng Sticky; Say Saten Kurz Cauas '. The same 1974 note 'Vedder and DEHL are both wrong. It is my birthplace and there is no other explanation than that of me ... when the topners and the Swartboois drove the Herero from the southwestern and western Kaokoveld, the old Herero has many farm names 'ver- ballhornt', such as Okamanja, Now Kamanjab, Okauatse, now Geinseb, Katari, now Katarib, and Okaua or Okawa, now Cauas ... 'Krenz HH 1974 Language Advisor Oral Communication' Gauas = Hiding Place, Gauas = Main water location ... '
afr PNK 1947 'Cauas'. Naam van plaas en motorbushalte daarop, 66 km van Outjostasie. 'Nama: ǀOu-ǃas = Fontein-plaas. H. Vedder'. PNK-SWA s.j. [1955] per pastor HK Diehl snr 'Cauas: ǃHouxa-ǃas = Platz der reich an Feldhiihnern ist', en stel voor om dit te spel 'Houchas'. Krenz FK 1970 Mitt 11/4 3 'Von Goreis kommt man nach Cauas. Der eigentliche Name is Okaua-Tjiwaurarua, d.h. ‘die Stelle, an der sich gut ruhen lasst’. Den Nama und Dama war das zu langstielig; sie sagten kurz Cauas'. Dieselfde 1974 Aantekening 'Vedder en Diehl is albei verkeerd. Dit is my geboorteplek en daar is geen ander verklaring as die van my nie... Toe die Topnaars en die Swartboois die Herero uit die suidwestelike en westelike Kaokoveld verdryf het, het die ou Herero baie plaasname ‘ver- balhornt’, soos Okamanja, nou Kamanjab, Okauatse, nou Geinatseb, Katari, nou Katarib, en Okaua of Okawa, nou Cauas...' Krenz HH 1974 Taaladviseur Mondelinge mededeling 'Gauas = wegkruipplek, Gauas = hoofwaterplek...'
eng Hiding place
afr Wegkruipplek
eng It is about Cauas No 118 and the adjacent Nord-Cauas No. 119. Based on Dr. Vedder's appointment, the PNC decided to change the established farm name as a name for the railway bus stop on the farm to Ouas (APN 1951 258 and railway table) . Mr FK Krenz's statement serves o.I. the preference; For the statement of Krenz HH, a change of C- (D.I. in sound value is accepted a K-) and G (as in its form), a change that is just lived.
afr Dit gaan hier oor Cauas nr 118 en die aangrensende Nord-Cauas nr 119. Op grond van dr Vedder se aanwysing het die PNK besluit om die gevestigde plaasnaam as naam vir die spoorwegbushalte op die plaas te verander tot Ouas (APN 1951 258 en Spoorwegtydtafel). Mnr FK Krenz se verklaring ver- dien o.i. die voorkeur; vir die verklaring van Krenz HH moet ’n wisseling van C- (d.i. in klankwaarde ’n K-) en G- (soos in sy vorm) aanvaar word, ’n wisseling wat ewenwel gewoon is.
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