
Here are different explanations for the farms Goreis No. 122 and Goreis South No 116, Dist. Outjo. It depends on how the component gor (e) is identified, viz. If Gore-B = Bitter Wine (PNC), as Gora-B = 'Der Rabe, the Krihe' in Kr.-r. 1969 NW S.V. (Krenz / Hilldown), as Goreis = Waterboom (Gartner) or as the Skinz, D.I. M. Triphylla or M. Undulata, Fam. Capparidaceae (Smith 1966 CNSAP 564), by Krenz FK called Gorada-B. The statement by FK Krenz is o.i. The correct, therefore: the 'PAN (-s) where there are the Gora (DA) trees / water trees,' rather than 'aloe' or 'gravity / crow'. If the Gora (DA) does not have a lean. is not, as we think, then the Ilex mitis or white wood (Smith 494).

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 1915/2015
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng PNK 1947 'Goreis'. Gelë 35 Myl [56 km] Van Outjo op Pad Na Kamanjab. 'Nama: Gore-ice = aloes is daarop'. Kroll 1955 list 'Goreis: After Krenz / H Ill Down the naked face or the ravenich. 'Ice' means 'face'. Mr. Gartner reminds of the 'gore tree' (water tree) '. Krenz FK 1970 Mitt 11/5 Aug. 1970 7 'Goreis: Right = Gora (also Gorada), an evergreen tree. 'The place where a Gora tree is'. ' Dieselfe 1976 Boer Aanvulling Hieriby 'Goradab is an evergreen tree, very often confused with Boscia albitrunca. After this tree species the pan is named, today the farm Goreis. My deceased brother must have thoughtǃ Gora-ice thought. '
afr PNK 1947 'Goreis'. geleë 35 myl [56 km] van Outjo op pad na Kamanjab. 'Nama: Gore-eis = Aloes is daarop'. Kroll 1955 liste 'Goreis: nach Krenz/H ill down das nackte Gesicht oder die Rabensicht. ‘Eis’ bedeutet bestimmt ‘Gesicht’. Herr Gartner erinnert an den ‘Goreisbaum’ (Wasserbaum)'. Krenz FK 1970 Mitt 11/5 Aug. 1970 7 'Goreis: richtig = Gora(auch Gorada), ein immergrüner Baum. ‘Die Stelle an der ein Gora-Baum steht’.' Dieselfde 1976 Boer Aanvulling hierby 'Goradab ist ein immergrüner Baum, sehr oft mit Boscia albitrunca verwechselt. Nach dieser Baumart ist die Pfanne benannt, heute die Farm Goreis. Mein verstorbener Bruder muss an ǃgora-eis gedacht haben'.
eng Here are different explanations for the farms Goreis No. 122 and Goreis South No 116, Dist. Outjo. It depends on how the component gor (e) is identified, viz. If Gore-B = Bitter Wine (PNC), as Gora-B = 'Der Rabe, the Krihe' in Kr.-r. 1969 NW S.V. (Krenz / Hilldown), as Goreis = Waterboom (Gartner) or as the Skinz, D.I. M. Triphylla or M. Undulata, Fam. Capparidaceae (Smith 1966 CNSAP 564), by Krenz FK called Gorada-B. The statement by FK Krenz is o.i. The correct, therefore: the 'PAN (-s) where there are the Gora (DA) trees / water trees,' rather than 'aloe' or 'gravity / crow'. If the Gora (DA) does not have a lean. is not, as we think, then the Ilex mitis or white wood (Smith 494).
afr Hier is verskillende verklarings vir die plase Goreis nr 122 en Goreis-Suid nr 116, dist. Outjo. Dit hang daarvan af hoe die komponent gor(e)- gei'dentifiseer word, nl. as gore-b = bitteraalwyn (PNK), as gora-b = 'der Rabe, die Kriihe' in Kr.-R. 1969 NW s.v. (Krenz/Hilldown), as goreis = waterboom (Gartner) of as die Maerua Schinz, d.i. M. triphylla of M. undulata, fam. Capparidaceae (Smith 1966 CNSAP 564), deur Krenz FK genoem gorada-b. Die verklaring van FK Krenz is o.i. die korrekte, dus: die 'Pan (-s) waar daar die gora(da)- bome/waterbome staan', liewers as 'Aalwynveld' of 'Kraaisig/Kraaivlakte'. Indien die gora(da) nie ’n Maerua sp. is nie, soos ons meen, dan die Ilex mitis of without (Smith 494).
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