
About theǃ Uri, there is certainty, especially with the suction consonant there, so as Namaǃ Uri = white. Also theǃ A-S (third member) looks pretty sure, viz. Like Namaǃ A-s = 'The Siedlung, der Ort, Platz ...' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 24), with locative contribution. At the middle component -hab- no suction flap was given. Maybe Like ǀǀ Ha-B = 'Bergschlucht' (Rust 1960 DNW 10)? Then the 'whitening spot'? But Dr Hartmann always writes a Schnalz if one is heard. Therefore (as was also suggested by Mr Haacke WHG 1976 note) 'Lurihab: white horse', + Las = place. In addition, Krenz FK 1976 Farmer a note 'In the 1990s, in the Khomas Highlands, a Damarower named ǀ Heihab = Blouperd. Can it also have in the above case also with a personal name Lurihab, 'white horse'? '

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 1914
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng Hartmann 1904 Map 'ǃ Urihab-ǃ As', Puts.
afr Hartmann 1904 kaart ' ǃUrihab-ǃas', puts.
eng About theǃ Uri, there is certainty, especially with the suction consonant there, so as Namaǃ Uri = white. Also theǃ A-S (third member) looks pretty sure, viz. Like Namaǃ A-s = 'The Siedlung, der Ort, Platz ...' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 24), with locative contribution. At the middle component -hab- no suction flap was given. Maybe Like ǀǀ Ha-B = 'Bergschlucht' (Rust 1960 DNW 10)? Then the 'whitening spot'? But Dr Hartmann always writes a Schnalz if one is heard. Therefore (as was also suggested by Mr Haacke WHG 1976 note) 'Lurihab: white horse', + Las = place. In addition, Krenz FK 1976 Farmer a note 'In the 1990s, in the Khomas Highlands, a Damarower named ǀ Heihab = Blouperd. Can it also have in the above case also with a personal name Lurihab, 'white horse'? '
afr Oor die ǃuri- is daar sekerheid, veral met die suigkonsonant daarby, dus soos Nama ǃuri = wit. Ook die ǃa-s (derde lid) lyk redelik seker, nl. soos Nama ǃa-s = 'die Siedlung, der Ort, Platz...' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 24), met lokatiewe bybepaling. By die middelste komponent -hab- is geen suigklap gegee nie. Dalk soos ǀǀha-b = 'Bergschlucht' (Rust 1960 DNW 10)? Dan die 'Witkloofplek'? Maar dr Hartmann skryf altyd ’n schnalz as een gehoor is. Daarom (soos ook aan die hand gedoen is deur mnr Haacke WHG 1976 Aantekening) 'lurihab: witperd', + las = plek. Hierby skryf ook Krenz FK 1976 Boer 'n Aantekening 'In die negentigerjare was daar in die Khomas- Hoogland ’n Damarower met die naam ǀHeihab = Blouperd. Kan dit in bostaande geval nie ook met ’n persoonsnaam lUrihab, ‘Witperd’, te doen he nie?'
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