Dobe, Dobe(Pan)

Especially in this series of the Kriegskarte that pursue a practical purpose, viz. as directory i.v.m. The military action of 1904, D.W.S. As a guide for the strategist, the one name is usually a translation of the other. If it also applies here, Dobe is the Khoekhoense form of the Afrikaans / German Kalkfontein given as a second name. The second name disappeared on subsequent cards. Today comes before 'Dobe pan', the name of the big pan in which the Dobefontein was located (cf. SWA Series 1967 Skin 1920 Tsumkwe). 'Lime' is in Namaǃ Kho. Dobe is obviously not Kobe, And yet it can be ǃ Kho-bi-s (with -bi as a locative, and the fern The existence of important node Kobib just south of Dobe and just north of Tsumkwe.

About this item

Dobe, Dobe(Pan)
Alternative Title
Dobe, Dobe(Pan)
Georeference Sources
S 1920 BC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Krarebk 'Dobe (Kalkfontein)'
afr Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Dobe (Kalkfontein)'
eng Especially in this series of the Kriegskarte that pursue a practical purpose, viz. as directory i.v.m. The military action of 1904, D.W.S. As a guide for the strategist, the one name is usually a translation of the other. If it also applies here, Dobe is the Khoekhoense form of the Afrikaans / German Kalkfontein given as a second name. The second name disappeared on subsequent cards. Today comes before 'Dobe pan', the name of the big pan in which the Dobefontein was located (cf. SWA Series 1967 Skin 1920 Tsumkwe). 'Lime' is in Namaǃ Kho. Dobe is obviously not Kobe, And yet it can be ǃ Kho-bi-s (with -bi as a locative, and the fern The existence of important node Kobib just south of Dobe and just north of Tsumkwe.
afr Veral in hierdie reeks van die Kriegskarte wat ’n praktiese doel nastrewe, nl. as gids i.v.m. die militere aksie van 1904, d.w.s. as gids vir die strateeg, is by dubbelnamigheid (naampare) die een naam meestal ’n vertaling van die ander. As dit hier ook geld, dan is Dobe die Khoekhoense vorm van die Afrikaans/Duitse Kalkfontein wat as tweede naam aangegee is. Die tweede naam het op latere kaarte verdwyn. Vandag kom nog voor 'Dobe- pan', die naam van die groot pan waarin die Dobefontein geleë was (vgl. SWA-reeks 1967 vel 1920 Tsumkwe). 'Kalk' is in Nama ǃkho-. Dobe is natuurlik nie Kobe nie, en tog kan dit so wees. In Ou-Kaaps wissel d/t frekwent af met g/k (vgl. HOTT 179-180, seifs in gewone woorde soos disi x gisi vir 'tien'). 'Kalkfontein' is te rekonstrueer as ǃKho-bi-s (met -bi- as ’n lokatief, en die fern. sing, -s as indeks van 'n fonteinnaam), verkort as Kober en in sy wisseluitspraak as Dobe. Wat hierdie interpretasie verste- wig, is die bestaan van belangrike knooppunt KOBIB net suid van Dobe en net noord van Tsumkwe.
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