
The farm Ghaub (Spelling as on SWA Series 1976 Skin 1916 Tsumeb) is No. 47, South of Le 'Gauss' No. 46, that name and numbers show a mortgage. Ghaub West 590 is a subdivision of 47. The main part has the same statement. This is undoubtedly also of 'Gaub Road' No. 759 which the tar road from Otavi goes to Tsumeb. Gaub Road Le southwest- Like Ghaub and G. West . Our informants express the name of NRS 47pn 590 with a lateral slaughter. Dr. Hartmann 1904 card writes it without it, he calls it a 'missions Farm' with a large fountain of ǀǀ Ghaub ', therefore with lateral slaughter, like Mr Xaregeb's team. If the name has to do with the cave, as we understand their appointment, then there may be to think about Nama 11ho-B =' Felsenhohle '( RUST 1960 DNW 21) Rather thanǃ

About this item

Alternative Title
Ghaub, Ghaub(West)
Georeference Sources
S 1917 BD en BC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng XAREGE 1977 and six other Khoek Hoen of Grootfontein Conversation 'We '11 Ghaub. It is a farm, and there is a big hole that people can go in, but not far, with soap and laundry and all there. Big hole in the rock '.
afr Xaregeb E 1977 en ses ander Khoekhoen van Grootfontein Gesprek 'Ons se 11 Ghaub. Dit is ’n plaas, en daar is ’n groot gat wat die mense kan daar ingaan, maar nie ver nie, met seep en wasgoed en al daarso. Groot gat in die rots'.
eng The farm Ghaub (Spelling as on SWA Series 1976 Skin 1916 Tsumeb) is No. 47, South of Le 'Gauss' No. 46, that name and numbers show a mortgage. Ghaub West 590 is a subdivision of 47. The main part has the same statement. This is undoubtedly also of 'Gaub Road' No. 759 which the tar road from Otavi goes to Tsumeb. Gaub Road Le southwest- Like Ghaub and G. West . Our informants express the name of NRS 47pn 590 with a lateral slaughter. Dr. Hartmann 1904 card writes it without it, he calls it a 'missions Farm' with a large fountain of ǀǀ Ghaub ', therefore with lateral slaughter, like Mr Xaregeb's team. If the name has to do with the cave, as we understand their appointment, then there may be to think about Nama 11ho-B =' Felsenhohle '( RUST 1960 DNW 21) Rather thanǃ
afr Die plaas Ghaub (spelling soos op SWA-reeks 1976 vel 1916 Tsumeb) is nr 47, suid daarvan le 'Gauss' nr 46, sodat naam en nommers ’n verband aantoon. Ghaub West 590 is 'n onderverdeling van 47. Die hoofdeel het wel dieselfde verklaring. Dit geld ongetwyfeld ook van 'Gaub Pad' nr 759 waaroor die teerpad van Otavi af na Tsumeb gaan. Gaub Pad le suidweste- lik van Ghaub en G. West. Ons informante spreek die naam van nrs 47pn 590 uit met ’n laterale slag. Dr Hartmann 1904 kaart skryf dit daarsonder, hy noem dit ’n 'Missions Farm' met ’n groot fontein. Dog direk oostelik daarvan is daar ’n 'Tal van ǀǀGhaub', dus met laterale slag, soos by mnr Xaregeb se span. Indien die naam met die grot te doen het, soos ons hulle aanwysing verstaan, dan is daar moontlik te dink aan Nama 11hoa-b = 'Felsenhohle' (Rust 1960 DNW 21) eerder as aan ǃhau-b = 'Felsbank', en wel omdat laasgenoemde nie ’n laterale slag het nie, maar 'n serebrale, hoewel dit andersins nader aan die uitspraak van Ghaub staan.
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