
Unfortunately, we just declared Mr Xaregeb's team, a statement clearly given on the audience. The member suns came to Dr Hartmann's time with a -n sound in it, in 1910 it was already there. This did not know Mr Xaregeb, he and his team also did not know the old speech with a cerebral sucker. Their layout must be rejected. According to the spelling at Dr Hartmann, one can look for a mortgage withǃ Au- = 'Der Necken,' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 30), eg. The neck between two ridges, but it is speculation. In the old days there was a fountain with, like Hartmann entered, 'Viefem] Wasser'. The -s of the VR. EKV. is an indication that the name can hit a fountain.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 1818 CD/1918 AB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng HARTMANN 1904 CARD 'ǃ AU-US '\ large fountain in lime field, on the road. Spegade Misel 1904 Kriegsk 'AUUS', Source. DSWA Series 1910 Blatt Grootfontein 'Auuns'. XAREGEB E 1977 and six other Khoekhoen of Grootfontein Conversation 'Au- ǀ We = bitter name'. Auuns-West 'No 288, north of Grootfontein. There is no farm called Auuns East
afr Hartmann 1904 kaart 'ǃAu-us’\ groot fontein in kalkveld, aan die pad. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Auus', bron. DSWA-reeks 1910 Blatt Grootfontein 'Auuns'. Xaregeb E 1977 en ses ander Khoekhoen van Grootfontein Gesprek 'Au- ǀons = bitter naam'.Vandag is die plaas op kaarte ingeskryf as 'Auuns-West' nr 288, noord van Grootfontein. Daar is geen plaas wat Auuns-Oos genoem word nie
eng Unfortunately, we just declared Mr Xaregeb's team, a statement clearly given on the audience. The member suns came to Dr Hartmann's time with a -n sound in it, in 1910 it was already there. This did not know Mr Xaregeb, he and his team also did not know the old speech with a cerebral sucker. Their layout must be rejected. According to the spelling at Dr Hartmann, one can look for a mortgage withǃ Au- = 'Der Necken,' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 30), eg. The neck between two ridges, but it is speculation. In the old days there was a fountain with, like Hartmann entered, 'Viefem] Wasser'. The -s of the VR. EKV. is an indication that the name can hit a fountain.
afr Ongelukkig het ons net die verklaring van mnr Xaregeb se span, ’n verklaring wat duidelik op die gehoor af gegee is. Die lid -uns het na dr Hartmann se tyd opgekom met ’n -n-klank daarin, in 1910 was dit reeds daar. Dit het mnr Xaregeb nie geweet nie, hy en sy span het ook nie die ou uit- spraak met 'n serebrale suigmedeklinker vooraan geken nie. Hulle uitleg moet afgewys word. Volgens die spelling by dr Hartmann kan mens ’n verband soek met ǃau- = 'der Hals, der Nacken' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 30), bv. die nek tussen twee rantjies, maar dit is spekulasie. In die ou dae was daar ’n fontein met, soos Hartmann ingeskryf het, 'vielfem] Wasser'. Die -s van die vr. ekv. is ’n aanduiding dat die naam op ’n fontein kan slaan.
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