
Our spokesman has been living here for 18 years. We conclude that it is He who gave the name of the Pan to the farm. On the map of the Surveyor-Genebar 1972, the number of the farm does not occur yet. This Bushmen apparently speaks Nama. The linguistic arguments were argued in th a ** 771 under Koukuas. In the above mentioned, we could precise what had been hung in the air earlier, such as the light or the presence of fish in the pan.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 1818 CD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Kirchner-Stiibel B 1978 Farmer Questionnaire 'Koukuab. BoesMantaal. Means' fishpan. or pan with fish '. We called the farm so as the homestead was at the Pan. The pan regularly gets fish if the Omuramba walks. The Bushmen calls the Pan Koukuab. The farm is No. 1056 and LE 88 km Noordoordoos of Grootfontein '.
afr Kirchner-Stiibel B 1978 Boer Vraelys 'Koukuab. Boesmantaal. Beteken ‘Vispan. of Pan met visse'. Ons het die plaas so genoem aangesien die opstal by die pan le. Die pan kry gereeld visse as die Omuramba loop. Die Boesmans noem die pan Koukuab. Die plaas is nr 1056 en le 88 km noordnoordoos van Grootfontein'.
eng Our spokesman has been living here for 18 years. We conclude that it is He who gave the name of the Pan to the farm. On the map of the Surveyor-Genebar 1972, the number of the farm does not occur yet. This Bushmen apparently speaks Nama. The linguistic arguments were argued in th a ** 771 under Koukuas. In the above mentioned, we could precise what had been hung in the air earlier, such as the light or the presence of fish in the pan.
afr Ons segsman woon al 18 jaar hier. Ons lei af dat dit hy is wat die naam van die pan aan die plaas gegee het. Op die kaart van die landmeter-gene- raal 1972 kom wel die nommer van die plaas voor maar nog nie die naam nie. Hierdie Boesmans praat klaarblyklik Nama. Die taalkundige argu- mente is aangevoer in TH A** 771 onder KOUKUAS. In bostaande aan- haling kon ons presiseer wat vroeër nog in die lug gehang het, soos die lig- ging of die aanwesigheid van visse in die pan.
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