
Choantsas is farm No. 292, in the northeastern corner of the district Tsumeb and in the upper of the Omuramba Ovambo area. Elephants were abundant here. The first member is like Nama ╪khoa- = elephant; The member, indicates a pit, water location, swimming space, brought by our first spokesman with Nama TSA = swimming (Rest 1960 DNW 56), bath, by our second spokesman is the component connected to Nama Tsa = 'Lecken '(Rest 1960 DNW 38). This is better at the TSA that is expressed without nasality. Originally, it was the name of a drinking place, a fountain, actually a deep hole in a lime bed (entry of Dr Hartmann) Along the 'alto way'; the -s (Fri.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 1818 CC of 1918 A A
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Hartmann 1904 map 'Khoantsas'. Sprigade Misel 1904 Kriegsk 'Choantsas', source, both given as 1918 AA. Friederich HR 1973 Farmer Verkevs 'Choantsas. DIST. Tsumeb, name of farm and fountain. Means 'elephant bath', because in the old time elephants drank water here; Rhinos were also present '. Krenz FK 1977 Farmer Conversation' Tkhoantsas is elephant text, = bkhoa- = elephant, tsas = leak '
afr Hartmann 1904 kaart 'Khoantsas'. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Choantsas', bron, albei aangegee as 1918 AA. Friederich HR 1973 Boer Vraelvs 'Choantsas. dist. Tsumeb, naam van plaas en fontein. Beteken ‘Olifantbad’, omdat in die ou tyd olifante hier water gedrink het; renosters was ook teenwoordig'. Krenz FK 1977 Boer Gesprek 'TKhoantsas is Olifantslekpiek, =bkhoa- = olifant, tsas = lekplek'
eng Choantsas is farm No. 292, in the northeastern corner of the district Tsumeb and in the upper of the Omuramba Ovambo area. Elephants were abundant here. The first member is like Nama ╪khoa- = elephant; The member, indicates a pit, water location, swimming space, brought by our first spokesman with Nama TSA = swimming (Rest 1960 DNW 56), bath, by our second spokesman is the component connected to Nama Tsa = 'Lecken '(Rest 1960 DNW 38). This is better at the TSA that is expressed without nasality. Originally, it was the name of a drinking place, a fountain, actually a deep hole in a lime bed (entry of Dr Hartmann) Along the 'alto way'; the -s (Fri.
afr Choantsas is plaas nr 292, in die noordoostelike hoek van die distrik Tsumeb en in die boloop van die Omuramba Ovambo-gebied. Olifante was hier volop gewees. Die eerste lid is soos Nama ╪khoa- = olifant; die lid -tsa- dui ’n kuil, waterplek, swemplek aan, deur ons eerste segsman in verband gebring met Nama tsa = swem (Rust 1960 DNW 56), bad, deur ons tweede segsman is die komponent verbind met Nama tsa = 'lecken' (Rust 1960 DNW 38). Dit sluit beter aan by die tsa- wat sonder nasaliteit uitgespreek word. Oorspronklik was dit die naam van ’n drinkplek, ’n fontein, eintlik ’n diep gat in n kalkbedding (inskrywing van dr Hartmann) langs die 'alte pad'; die -s (vr. ekv.) is dikwels (soos weer hier) indeks van waterplekke. Dr Hartmann se graadaanwysing berus op 'n klein miswysing — die juiste ligging is 1818 CC. 'Olifantslekpiek'.
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