
According to Dr Vedder's appointment, the spelling is modernized, so the farm and the stop on the farm have the same name but different spelling for it. Dr Vedder's distraction is according to the sound pen print, at Na = bite (whose afterbalization is not realized in the name) and sufficial -gu = each other, plus lokativerendeB. Perhaps Dr Vedder had the distraction of Nagubes and Nagobeb in mind. The fact is that Hartmann heard another ground word, viz. ^ After, not after = bite. His distraction is apparently deviant. The ground idea at Hartmann is probably like Nama Fna = stairs, bump, dance (now without a nasalized vowel), 'place where they dance with each other', 'danceplace'.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 1817/1917
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng Hartchn 1903 map (non-Magusi, prs of6 The 17 ° '02' Iist. Tsumebl. Sprigade-Moisel 190494 Kripsts 'Nagusib', Bron S 1817 CD. PNK 1947 'NakUSib'. le 29 km van namutoni af; Plaas No 315 a motor bus holding the hoard. 'Nama; Nagusib = ort, WO Man SONEINER BETS. H. VEDDER '.
afr Hartmann 1903 kaart ' ^Nagusib', puts op 18° 56' 17° 0' Idist. Tsumebl. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Nagusib', bron S 1817 CD. PNK 1947 'Nakusib'. le 29 km van Namutoni af; plaas nr 315 en motorbushalte daarop. 'Nama; Nagusib = Ort, wo man einander biss. H. Vedder'.
eng According to Dr Vedder's appointment, the spelling is modernized, so the farm and the stop on the farm have the same name but different spelling for it. Dr Vedder's distraction is according to the sound pen print, at Na = bite (whose afterbalization is not realized in the name) and sufficial -gu = each other, plus lokativerendeB. Perhaps Dr Vedder had the distraction of Nagubes and Nagobeb in mind. The fact is that Hartmann heard another ground word, viz. ^ After, not after = bite. His distraction is apparently deviant. The ground idea at Hartmann is probably like Nama Fna = stairs, bump, dance (now without a nasalized vowel), 'place where they dance with each other', 'danceplace'.
afr Volgens dr Vedder se aanwysing is die spelling gemoderniseer, sodat die plaas en die halte op die plaas dieselfde naam maar verskillende spelling daarvoor het. Dr Vedder se afleiding is volgens die klankindruk, by na = byt (waarvan die nasalering twyfelwekkend nie in die naam gerealiseer is nie) en suffiksale -gu =mekaar, plus lokativerende -sib. Miskien het dr Vedder die afleiding van NAGUBES en NAGOBEB in gedagte gehad. Feit is dat Hartmann 'n ander grondwoord gehoor het, nl. ^na, nie na = byt nie. Sy afleiding is klaarblyklik afwykend. Die grondgedagte by Hartmann is waarskynlik soos Nama fna = trap, stamp, dans (nou sonder ’n genasaleerde klinker), 'Plek waar hulle met mekaar dans', 'Dansplek'.
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