
A few determinations can make us. Although there is a place of Nami-S already recorded by Wikar 1779 and appeared on old cards, the desert name Namib is not found on the oldest cards, it is missing for example. At Alexander, Arrowsmith, Chase. MissionSinspektor Dr Richter who compiled the first German 'Charte' (published 1845), indicates the nama desert region as 'unbeditas land'. Secondly, it is strongly that in the earliest finding farms we possess, the desert name is pronounced or heard as narip or a variation, each time with an -R or -n-. Severad CJ 1973 Gazette 155 also gives to the names on 'Nananib' and 'Gei Gap'. We have no early documentation of the meaning, not even at Schultime, as Pastor Moritz claims. Schultze gives two names for the desert, but does not explain what they mean, the second comes Seifs in Kreenley, a dictionary that Schultze knew and used. The oldest statement in our 'closet' is that of Dr. Vedder. He apparently worked according to sound association and the possibility of such a meaning, it also applies to the statements of Pastor Rest 1969 and from L Snewe, quoted by Horn. Pastor Moritz's spokesman also speculated clearly. These are probability statements that try to imagine something compatible with the wilderness of the wilderness through sound association. There is for example, no account is held with the earlier forms that all for the second syllable does not show any, but have heard a -n- or -r- Dominated last century. In how far is Nanib and Narib just change pronunciations from Namib? The daring statements only take the subsequent normalized Namib, and they are all very recent. The youngest we know is the Van M Malan 1976 in The Star (Johannesburg) of April 6, 1976. It reads 'Namib, In The Nama Tongue Means 'Desert' or 'emptiness'.' So put, it misses conviction. We believes that at this stage we have not yet declared the statement. We ask whether there is ever a statement before To consider whatever it is. for literature. OA Raper 1972 Regional Names 59 Also for delimitation of the region, and for literature on the Namib in general cf.

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Georeference Sources
S 1712 suidwaarts
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50 km radius
Notes about Name
suidwaarts (Raper
eng Hall H Ca 1850 Ethnological SA 'Naanip Desert' (by Walvisbaai). Andersson CJ 1850 Lake Ngami 62 '... IT Became Necessary to Leave The [Swakop] River, And to Cross The Naarip Plain to Scheppmansdorf ...' Baines 1861 Eswa Landkaart 'The Narriep Desert, Nothing But Sand and Rock'. Chapman J 1864 2 Kaart 'Narriep Desert'. Grundemann 1867 Missions Atlas 9 'Naamib Wiiste'. McKiernan 1874 VRV 35 34 'The Road to the Interior Follows The Bed of the Kuiseep River (Kuiseb) for about 7 miles [11 km] And Then Turns Away Over The Nariep Desert ... 'Schultze 1904-5 Anuk 56' The Strip Land, which shifts between the Kiist and the mountain country of the Inn to Southwest Africa, is indeed a Wiiste, the Namib or \ Gainis of Hottencot 'Aid. 361' Namib = the surface, the Namibwuste '. J ,, Is. ,,, 1 PNK 1947 'Namib'. Stasie 64 km van Walvisbaai Af. 'Nama: Namib = Wiist on the Atlantic Ocean, which is so bald and flat as the outstretched tongue. H. Vedder '. Kroenlein-Rust 1969 NW 268' Namib: The Kiistenwieste at Luderitzbucht to the Oranje and far to the north ('where you always walk around the diamies * - l. Snewe) '... ...., Gaerdes 1970 Mitt / 0/10-11 Jan.-Feb. 1970 5 'Namib: 'So bald and flat like an outstretched tongue'.' Moritz W 1971 Museum 3/3 Sept. 1971 4 'on p. 18 [Van VRV 15 by Wikar Se Namis ALW.L writes MOSSOP on the name 'Namis' that he is exposed by Namort Nams = tongue ... he has The interpretation of Vedder ... in the examination of the Naravelder at Kuiseb, I also came to the name Namis. The interpretation would be indicated by area. Namis is the small area and Namib, the name for the Wiiste, is the big area. But it was just the interpretation of the name Namib very much. Once you wanted to derive it from 'tongue', then weer from 'flickering' ('nami') ... but the right interpretation is just a surface as it is from l. Schultze ... is given, as the interpretation ... would not apply ... if you want to derive it from 'tongue', 'to go around' or 'flare' ... 'Christian M 1974 Drywer Speaker' Namib. ..dit is the BUITEPLEK van der Wildegoed '. Krenz FK 1974 Boer Aantekening 'Nami is also the air mirroring. Also the width of the landscape is summarized in the words 'Namib' or 'Namis'. The old Nama consider it as her 'God'. An old saying was: 'ne ta ge namata namib ei ra nama ha'. (Here I live Nama in Namib a Nama live) '.
afr Hall H ca 1850 Ethnological SA 'Naanip Desert' (by Walvisbaai). Andersson CJ 1850 lake Ngami 62 ' became necessary to leave the [Swakop] river, and to cross the Naarip plain to Scheppmansdorf...' Baines 1861 ESWA landkaart 'The Narriep Desert, nothing but sand and rock'. Chapman J 1864 2 kaart 'Narriep Desert'. Grundemann 1867 Missions-atlas 9 'Naamib Wiiste'. McKiernan 1874 VRV 35 34 'The road to the interior follows the bed of the Kuisep River (Kuiseb) for about 7 miles [11 km] and then turns away over the Nariep Desert...' Schultze 1904-5 ANUK 56 'Der Streifen landes, der sich zwischen der Kiiste und das Gebirgsland des Innern südwestafrikas schiebt, ist in der Tat eine Wiiste, die namib oder \gainis der Hottentotten'. Aid. 361 'Namib = die Fläche, die Namibwuste'. J,, Is.,,,1 PNK 1947 'Namib'. Stasie 64 km van Walvisbaai af. 'Nama: Namib = Wiiste am atlantischen Ozean, die so kahl und flach wie die ausgestreckte Zunge ist. H. Vedder'. Kroenlein-Rust 1969 NW 268 'Namib: die Kiistenwiiste bei luderitzbucht bis an den Oranje und weit nach Norden (‘wo man immer um die Diinen herumgeht* - l. Snewe)'. .... , Gaerdes 1970 Mitt / 0/10-11 Jan.-Feb. 1970 5 'Namib: ‘so kahl und flach wie eine ausgestreckte Zunge'.' Moritz W 1971 Museum 3/3 Sept. 1971 4 'Auf S. 18 [van VRV 15 by Wikar se NAMIS alw.l schreibt Mossop zu dem Namen ‘Namis’, dass er vom Namawort nams = Zunge abgelêitet ist...Er hat die Deutung von Vedder...Bei der Untersuchung der Naravelder am Kuiseb, stiess ich eben- falls auf den Namen Namis. Die Deutung würde mit Fläche angegeben. Namis ist die kleine Fläche und Namib, der Name für die Wiiste, ist die grosse Fläche. Doch war gerade die Deutung des Namens Namib sehr vieldeutig. Einmal wollte man es von ‘Zunge’ ableiten, dann weider von ‘Flackern’ (’nami’)...Doch die rechte Deutung ist eben Fläche, wie es auch von l. Schultze...angegeben wird, wiihrend die Deutung...nicht zutreffen würde...wenn man es von ‘Zunge’, ‘um etwas herumgehen' oder ‘Aufflackern’ ableiten will...' Christian M 1974 Drywer Gesprek 'Namib...dit is die buiteplek van die wildegoed'. Krenz FK 1974 Boer Aantekening 'Nami ist auch die luftspiegelung. Auch die Weite der landschaft ist in dem Worte ‘Namib’ oder ‘Namis’ zusammengefasst. Die alten Nama betrachten es als ihr ‘Gottesland’. Ein alter Spruch war: ‘Ne ta ge namata Namib ei ra Nama ha’. (Hier lebe ich Nama in der Namib ein Nama leben)'.
eng A few determinations can make us. Although there is a place of Nami-S already recorded by Wikar 1779 and appeared on old cards, the desert name Namib is not found on the oldest cards, it is missing for example. At Alexander, Arrowsmith, Chase. MissionSinspektor Dr Richter who compiled the first German 'Charte' (published 1845), indicates the nama desert region as 'unbeditas land'. Secondly, it is strongly that in the earliest finding farms we possess, the desert name is pronounced or heard as narip or a variation, each time with an -R or -n-. Severad CJ 1973 Gazette 155 also gives to the names on 'Nananib' and 'Gei Gap'. We have no early documentation of the meaning, not even at Schultime, as Pastor Moritz claims. Schultze gives two names for the desert, but does not explain what they mean, the second comes Seifs in Kreenley, a dictionary that Schultze knew and used. The oldest statement in our 'closet' is that of Dr. Vedder. He apparently worked according to sound association and the possibility of such a meaning, it also applies to the statements of Pastor Rest 1969 and from L Snewe, quoted by Horn. Pastor Moritz's spokesman also speculated clearly. These are probability statements that try to imagine something compatible with the wilderness of the wilderness through sound association. There is for example, no account is held with the earlier forms that all for the second syllable does not show any, but have heard a -n- or -r- Dominated last century. In how far is Nanib and Narib just change pronunciations from Namib? The daring statements only take the subsequent normalized Namib, and they are all very recent. The youngest we know is the Van M Malan 1976 in The Star (Johannesburg) of April 6, 1976. It reads 'Namib, In The Nama Tongue Means 'Desert' or 'emptiness'.' So put, it misses conviction. We believes that at this stage we have not yet declared the statement. We ask whether there is ever a statement before To consider whatever it is. for literature. OA Raper 1972 Regional Names 59 Also for delimitation of the region, and for literature on the Namib in general cf.
afr ’n Paar vasstellinge kan ons maak. Hoewel daar 'n plek Nami-s reeds deur Wikar 1779 aangeteken is en op ou kaarte verskyn, word die woestynnaam Namib nie op die oudste kaarte gevind nie, dit ontbreek bv. by Alexander, Arrowsmith, Chase. Missionsinspektor dr Richter wat die eerste Duitse 'Charte' saamgestel het (uitgegee 1845), dui die Namawoestynstreek aan as 'Unbekanntes land'. Ten tweede val dit sterk op dat in die vroegste vindplase waaroor ons beskik, die woestynnaam uitgespreek of gehoor is as Narip of 'n variasie daarvan, telkens met 'n -r- of -n-. Skead CJ 1973 Gazetteer 155 gee nog by die genoemdes ook op 'Nananib' en 'Gei Gap'. Ons het verder geen vroeë dokumentasie van die betekenis nie, nie eers by Schultze nie, soos pastor Moritz beweer. Schultze gee twee name vir die woestyn, maar verduidelik nie wat hulle beteken nie, die tweede kom seifs nie in Kroenlein voor nie, ’n woordeboek wat Schultze geken en gebruik het. Die oudste verklaring in ons 'kas' is die van dr Vedder. Hy het kennelik volgens klankassosiasie gewerk en die moontlikheid van so ’n betekenis gaan poetiseer, dit geld ook van die verklarings van pastor Rust 1969 en van l Snewe, deur horn aangehaal. Pastor Moritz se segsmanne het eweneens duidelik gespekuleer. Dit is waarskynlikheidsverklarings wat deur klankassosiasie iets probeer voorstel wat met die natuurverskynsel van die woestyn versoenbaar is. Daar word byvoorbeeld geen rekening gehou met die vroeëre vorme wat almal vir die tweede lettergreep geen anlautende -m- ver- toon nie, maar ’n -n- of ’n -r- laat hoor het, die uitspraak wat in die optekeninge uit die vorige eeu gedomineer het. In hoever is Nanib en Narib net wisseluitsprake van Namib? Die gewaagde verklarings neem tot grondslag alleen die latere genormaliseerde Namib, en hulle is almal heel resent. Die jongste wat ons ken, is die van M Malan 1976 in The Star (Johannesburg) van 6 April 1976. Dit lui 'Namib, in the Nama tongue means 'desert' or 'emptiness'.' So gestel, mis dit oortuigingskrag. Ons meen dat ons op hierdie stadium nog nie die verklaring het nie. Ons stel die vraag of daar ooit 'n verklaring voor te kry is. Miskien is dit die verstandigste om voorlopig hierdie Namib (Nanib/Narib ens.) as 'n soort van grondbegrip te beskou, wat dit ook al is. Vir literatuur vgl. o.a. Raper 1972 Streekname 59 ook vir afbakening van die streek, en vir literatuur oor die Namib in die algemeen vgl. Botha lI 1970 The Namib Desert, a bibliography, Kaapstad.
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