
De Bisky 1884 card 'Desert Naanip Old Narrip.' Arndt H 1977 and three other Choos of Koes Conversation 'Nami is actually walking around. To go a turning. Around is also. 7 Buyer T 1977 and Four Other Khoek Hoen of Duration Drift Conversation 'Namib, yes, it believes you are now on top of the thing, then you go, you ^ Om, around the corner ...' Snews L 1977 Main evangelist Conversion 'Here is a mountain. Many Bushmen stayed there ... You stalk them. Nami is stalking'. . Moritz W 1978 Pastor interrogation During his visit to Pretoria from Germany 'in an article that will appear in Namib und more, I wrote about the name of Namib. I coincidentally met that one Narra field is called Namis ^. And when I asked what the meaning is, they explain to me it is 'plain'. Then it falls at: Namib and Namis is actually the same word, just the -B is male for understanding a large plain, and the -s of Namis is for the understanding of a small plain, the female form with the -Is. And then at Wikar we see that he records the name Namis and that he makes the environment so that they have gone through a plain. This is the second proof that the Word is not only used as a desert ', but as a specific part of a desert. A plain desote. Namib is a desert, but it doesn't mean a desert, it means 'plain'. ' Cfg. Also animannamis in this part. /

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n Toevoeging oor die variante in spelling en uitspraak by wat vroeër genoem is
eng De Bisky 1884 card 'Desert Naanip Old Narrip.' Arndt H 1977 and three other Choos of Koes Conversation 'Nami is actually walking around. To go a turning. Around is also. 7 Buyer T 1977 and Four Other Khoek Hoen of Duration Drift Conversation 'Namib, yes, it believes you are now on top of the thing, then you go, you ^ Om, around the corner ...' Snews L 1977 Main evangelist Conversion 'Here is a mountain. Many Bushmen stayed there ... You stalk them. Nami is stalking'. . Moritz W 1978 Pastor interrogation During his visit to Pretoria from Germany 'in an article that will appear in Namib und more, I wrote about the name of Namib. I coincidentally met that one Narra field is called Namis ^. And when I asked what the meaning is, they explain to me it is 'plain'. Then it falls at: Namib and Namis is actually the same word, just the -B is male for understanding a large plain, and the -s of Namis is for the understanding of a small plain, the female form with the -Is. And then at Wikar we see that he records the name Namis and that he makes the environment so that they have gone through a plain. This is the second proof that the Word is not only used as a desert ', but as a specific part of a desert. A plain desote. Namib is a desert, but it doesn't mean a desert, it means 'plain'. ' Cfg. Also animannamis in this part. /
afr De Bissy 1884 kaart 'Desert Naanip ou Narrip.' Arndt H 1977 en drie ander Khoekhoen van Koes Gesprek 'Nami is mos eintlik rondgaan, omsingel. om 'n draaitjie gaan. Rondbeweeg is ook nami...' Frederick C 1977 en agt ander Khoekhoen van Aus Gesprek 'Namib meen jy kom nader huis toe'. 7 Koper T 1977 en vier ander Khoekhoen van Duurdrift Gesprek 'Namib, ja, dit meen jy kom mos nou bo-oor die ding, dan gaan jy so om, jy ^aan om, om die hoek...' Snewe l 1977 Hoofevangelis Gesprek 'Hier is ’n berg. Baie Boesmans het daar gebly... Jy bekruip hulle. Nami is bekruip'. . Moritz W 1978 Pastor Ondervraging tydens sy besoek aan Pretoria uit Duitsland 'In 'n artikel wat in Namib und Meer sal verskyn, het ek oor die naam van Namib geskryf. Ek het toevallig teegekom dat een narra- veld Namis^genoem word. En toe ek vra wat die betekenis is, verduide- lik hulle vir my dit is 'vlakte'. Toe val dit my by: Namib en Namis is eintlik dieselfde woord, net die -b is manlik vir die begrip van 'n groot vlakte, en die -s van Namis is vir die begrip van 'n klein vlakte, die vroulike vorm met die -s. En dan ook by Wikar sien ons dat hy die naam Namis aanteken en dat hy die omgewing so omskryf dat hulle deur 'n vlakte gegaan het. Dit is die tweede bewys dat die woord nie net sontaar as 'Woestyn' gebruik word nie, maar as 'n spesifieke deel van 'n woestyn. juis 'n vlaktewoestyn. Namib is 'n woestyn, maar dit beteken nie 'n woestyn nie, dit beteken 'Vlakte'.' Vgl. ook ANIMANNAMIS in hierdie deel. /
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