San tsî Khoen Digital Archive ǂoaba ǂans
Ausidi knowledge-keeping

  • Ausi Told Me: Book Launch

    The violent reality of epistemicide is brought into focus in this book discussion. The colonial agenda's profound disruptive impact on humanity and the natural world we exist in is described within the context of the history of the Western Cape, South Africa. Academia is reviewed within the perspective of colonialism and the experience of those with a legacy of being colonised and oppressed within such a system.

  • Ausidi Knowledge Keepers Shaping Our Youth

    June Bam-Hutchison shares of the voices and stories that can be found in her book, Ausi Told Me. The herstorigraphy provides evidence of the indigenous women's contribution to knowledge. Local, Cape Town, ecology is explored. The link between the forced displacement of people and the disruption of the natural environment is made tangible.

  • Ausi Told Me: Book Discussion

    June speaks on her recent book "Ausi Told Me", exploring how stories and rituals passed down an ancient matrilineal line of knowledge-keepers are recognised once more as critical sources of knowledge and wellbeing. Garth will play his self-made instruments based on Khoi-San indigenous knowledge systems in a solo performance and in collaboration with June.