My mother and her maid


Artwork Title

My mother and her maid


Art Form


Art Medium

Silkscreen; Cotton


Silkscreen on cotton

Artwork Measurement (cm)

68 x 98

Label Information

Steven Cohen, with characteristically wicked humor, takes a sideswipe at his own South African Jewish heritage. Portraying himself as his ‘mother’, (a merciless caricature of a loud, vulgar ‘kugel’), with her ‘maid’, (a dignified Albertina Sisulu in traditional dress), he points to the absurdity of assumptions made about people according to their race, religion, sexual preference or cultural heritage. Cohen produces both two-dimensional imagery as well as performance art, using his own body as a site of political and social comment, often focusing on the demonizing of homosexuality. Cohen studied arts at the University of Witwatersrand and now lives and works in Johannesburg.

Acquisition Type



Date Acquired


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