

Artwork Title



Art Form


Art Medium


Artwork Measurement (cm)

56 x 645



Label Information

This highly charged portrait is of Msokole Qotole, a former trade unionist and friend of the artist. According to one source, this work captures the essence of ‘Msoks’ with his fiery gaze and charismatic presence. Formally, the work is loosely reminiscent of the German Expressionists with its strong, directional lines - echoes of such artists as Ernst Ludwig Kirchner and Edward Munch. As the entire collection suggests, this European movement seems to be a recurring influence in South African art of this period, which is likely due to the comparable atmospheres that these two countries have endured at different stages in recent history. The limited palette emphasizes the mood of the work, creating a sombreness and intense quality. Once again, Kurgan has used a familiar subject (her friend) and made this connection unclear. It is an ambiguous image, the figure almost looks as if he is bound and being interrogated, and given the time in which the print was made, is a valid association to make. Therefore in this work, as mentioned above, one sees the artist questioning the ‘truth’ value of portraiture, the power of meaning rests in her interpretation of the subject, which in turn affects the viewers’ perception.

Acquisition Type



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