Still life with couch


Artwork Title

Still life with couch


Art Form

Mixed media

Art Medium

Mixed media; Collage; Canvas


Mixed media, collage on canvas

Artwork Measurement (cm)

75 x 85



Label Information

Born in 1955 in Springs.Educated at Tlakula High School, Kwa-Thema, Springs
1976-1977 Johannesburg Art Foundation
1977-1978 Fine Art Diploma, Rorkes Drift Art Centre, Natal

Numerous solo and group exhibitions both national and international

(See ref: from Rose Korber; Sept 2006 in my SA artists file)

Statement The artist about the importanct of jazz and art in his work

Jazz simply inspires me. I come from a family of jazz lovers... Painting jazz is an outlet for expressing my love for the music. As I paint I listen to jazz and visualize the performance. Painting jazz allows me to literally put colour onto these vocal colours. Jazz is rhythmic and emphasizes interpretation rather than composition. There are deliberate tonal distortions that contribute to its uniqueness. My jazz collages with their distorted patterns attempt to communicate this. As a collagist and painter the technique allows me this freedom of expression. The artist explains his love of jazz which inspires his art. “As I paint, I listento jazz and visualize the performance. Jazz is rhythmic and emphasizes interpretation rather than composition”. His technique of working with collage and paint enables him to communicate this freedom of interpretation. Compositions are created by juxtaposing various interesting textures and perspectives to form a well balanced work, “like a jazz musician who can depart from the original melody altogether and improvise on its harmonic base”.
Born and raised in Springs, near Johannesburg, Sam Nhlengethwa
completed a Fine Art Diploma at Rorke's Drift Art Centre, Natal in 1978
and taught at FUBA (Federated Union of Black Artists) in Johannesburg.
He currently (2007) has a studio at the Bag Factory in Johannesburg and
won the Standard Bank Young Artist Award in 1994. He has exhibited in
group and solo exhibitions both nationally and internationally.

Acquisition Type



Date Acquired


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