On either side


Artwork Title

On either side


Art Form


Artwork Measurement (cm)

100 x 200



Label Information

‘On either side’ is a still image sourced from Searle’s video piece ‘About to Forget’. In this body of work she addresses the connections between memory and loss, as the photos upon which the piece is based contain images of three generations of her family. These were then used as the model for silhouettes of the figures, which were cut using red crepe paper. Placed in warm water, the result was the gentle smoky haze we witness in the still. Searle provokes a clever interplay here, as one is forced to remember at the exact same time that they are forced into forgetting, as we are powerless in viewing the red ink spreading across the water and literally blurring our memory of the figures within.
Berni Searle graduated from UCT’s Michaelis School of Fine Art with her MFA in 1995. She was named the Standard Bank Young Artist of the Year for Visual Arts in 2003, a along awaited acknowledgement by the South Africa arts community of Searle’s international activity, as prior to this she had been extensively exhibited in both the USA and Europe. She has been included in several major exhibitions such as the Venice Biennale and her work is held in many prestigious international collections

Acquisition Type



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