Portrait of Alan J Pifer (1921-2005)


Artwork Title

Portrait of Alan J Pifer (1921-2005)


Art Form


Art Medium

Oil paint; Canvas


Oil on canvas

Artwork Measurement (cm)

65 x 55



Label Information

Alan Pifer: 1921-2005Ref: article in Monday Paper, Nov 14 2005, vol 24.
Described as a "philanthropic leader, friend of UCT and past president of Carnegie Corporation of New York", from 1967-1982.

Throughout his life he worked passionately for social justice, in particular, advocating the rights of historically disadvantaged groups, including women
He believed in equal access to education and established the UCT Fund to raise money in the US for black students . In 2004 UCT honoured Pifer by naming a grant from the UCT Fund after him to co-incide with the university's 175th anniversary.
In addition, the Alan Pifer Award is made annually to a scholar from UCT whose work contributes to the advancement and welfare of SA's disadvantaged groups.

Acquisition Type



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