

Artwork Title



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Artwork Measurement (cm)



circa early 1980s

Label Information

This freestanding wooden figure is an exquisite example of minimalism in sculpture, with its simplified form and shapes. It is quite reminiscent of the later works by Modigliani, the Italian painter and sculptor of the early 20th century; the facial features and shape of the body. Unlike most of the works in the CAS collection, this piece is a more contemplative, serene work which transcends literalism and definite meaning. Figure has a universal feel and unlike many of the paintings, prints and sculptures here, one does not need to know the sociological or historical context of South Africa in order to gain more of an understanding of its harmonious curves and lines. If one had to extract a particular social meaning from the work, one suggestion might be that the state of apparent peacefulness shown in the figure’s face is a projected desire of the artist: that South Africa should be in a similar state of peace.

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