

The rights, title and interest to the ǂKhomani ǀ Hugh Brody Archive (BVF41) are held by the donor. Permission to copy, reprint, screen or republish any part thereof for anything other than non-commercial, public service or educational purposes must be granted by the donor. Please contact UCT Libraries Special Collections for more information.

Ethics and Community

ǂKhomani ǀ Hugh Brody Archive  is digitally represented online in accordance with the Gift Agreement between ǂKhomani representatives and the University of Cape Town Libraries as signed in 2014. Subsequent permissions from the South African San Council were also granted in 2023 and 2024 for further Ethical Clearance to African Tongue with the following reference numbers SASC8 and SASC11.

Sensitive Content

This showcase may contain images that depict sensitive content, historical instances of violence, and the colonial gaze. In accordance with the requests of the ǂKhomani community, and to uphold our commitment to responsible curation, certain images have been intentionally blurred. UCT Libraries recognize the importance of preserving history while also respecting the diverse sensitivities of our audience. We encourage users to approach these images with sensitivity and understanding, keeping in mind the complexities of the past. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding specific content, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

Website Text for the 2024 launch was written by: Hugh Brody, Kerry Jones and Betta Steyn


For any media requests or questions about the collection and its items please send an email to: lib-spcoll@uct.ac.za.