Mandla Mbothwe's



It is time of hunting imizila of our attempts and to embrace the moments of served interruptions by pandemics, that our journeys are summoned to other beings of existed , directed to other detours of tragedies into dreams of  digital hybrids. It is these moments that we are remembered by fragmented wounds of mixed tenses  and multiplicity of our amathongo that we subconsciously retrace and remap imizila of tragedies of our lives and dramas of realities in harvesting old and new rituals of healing stories in visual metaphors and sonic idioms and invisible codes. It was in this attempt that I/we started recognising and acknowledging not only our wounds but our invisible families that cry, walk, harvest and make with us. The work here is another attempt of hybridising the live into other old and new form of mythopoesis. Both the digital hybrid and the sonic passages and vortexes are the representation of that attempt.





Towards the Digitial Hybrid TikTok Films